We have all already wanted to buy a second… or a fourth baby carrier! ? It’s not always easy to “justify” this burst of madness to your man! We want them all, not to mention our scarf conversions!
It will be so much easier to convince her if he becomes a baby carrier lover.
Using a baby carrier brings happiness! Your lover hasn't yet used it often enough to fully realize it! Before convincing him to express all your passion for baby carriers, here are 6 arguments written in collaboration with Natalia Mejia for your lover to use the baby carrier.
Our tips for getting your lover to use a baby carrier
1.As the site tplmoms.com states, babywearing is sexy! As we all know, men are sensitive to compliments! Telling him how sexy he looks in a baby carrier is likely to be effective… at least for the first few times.2.According to the site arche-de-neo.com, carrying is… a good way to lose… a few kilos. By communicating this to him, you can tell him that it is time to do his exercises! Beyond simple weight loss, babywearing is good for health. Nothing like a long walk in nature to reinvigorate yourself!
3.For the site terredemamans.com, fathers develop a pleasure and a pride to carry their child. All you have to do is tell him that his son or daughter looks like his father!
4.Dad carrying simplifies family life in various ways. The vertical position (of the baby) reduces reflux and colic. It allows to develop the bond between the infant and his dad, to accustom him to his smell and his voice. If the dad is not very stressed, he is able to welcome your baby in a “zen” way. All these elements calm the baby in the presence of the father and make daily life more pleasant. All you have to do is tell him that if he wants peace, he must earn it!

6.If you are lucky enough to have a structured baby carrier, you have a golden argument! Indeed, most dads prefer a “ready-made” and especially “tangle-free” baby carrier. Ease of use is a strong argument for you as well as for him!

6 arguments to coax your lover
Now that you have the arguments in hand to convert your lover into a diligent carrier, let's look at a few short sentences that will lead you to a great purchase of a Gustine baby carrier.
- ...But darling, you're a guy, you just didn't notice the pattern... I just have one!
- It’s Ariane’s, my friend… She made me try it, she’s nice eh, do you like it? (if he answers yes, it’s in the bag!)
- Haaa… This one, well let’s see, it’s been a long time since I bought it. Don't you remember when Mini was born?
- Aaaah this Gustine there… she’s a traveler… we’re lucky to be able to try her!
- HIDE IT… Just take it out when it’s not there….
- One for YOU and two for ME… 🙂
Happy carrying!
6 tips to get your lover to use the baby carrier
- Babywearing is sexy!
- A way to lose weight
- A pleasure and a pride
- A way to have a calmer environment
- Sharing tasks
- Utilisation facility
Natalia Mejia is the owner and manager of Gustine baby carriers Inc. and Couture Porte-Bonheur Inc.
In addition to a diploma as a fashion designer - textile designer, she studied Human Resources Management and work methodology.
Natalia is very close to her customers and attaches great importance to the quality and safety of her baby carriers.
In order to make the best possible baby carriers for both the wearer and the baby, she obtains information and consults specialists. Their goal is to make the best baby carriers available.
Cassandre Mercier-Mathurin has a degree in fashion marketing. She works in marketing at Gustine.
Cassandre enjoys helping others, both clients and colleagues. Responding to customer needs and satisfying them are great sources of motivation. Efficiency, resourcefulness, initiative, creativity, team spirit are words that describe her well.
The field of purchasing, sales, marketing and content creation are her favorites in the fashion world. Always on the lookout for new trends, she is interested in anything that could improve the happiness of babies.
Do you know of any other tips that should have been named?
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